Sunday, March 25, 2012

☆Niigata Prefecture

As I said in the previous post, I have been assigned by Rotary Youth Exchange to live in Niigata prefecture starting this August, 2012, until either June or July in 2013. Even though I haven't a clue about which city I'll be living in, who my host family is, or what school I'll be going to, I'm still extremely excited and happy! From what I've read and seen, Niigata Prefecture is absolutely beautiful and is enriched with traditional culture.

Niigata Precture on map (
Even though it's near the coast, it snows A LOT, which I am particularly happy for since I live down south... My state borders Mexico ^^; No snow here! Also, Niigata seems to be a bit of a "farming" prefecture. Apparently they provide Japan with most of its rice!

Niigata is known for its tulips, ski resorts, cherry blossom viewing (yay!), its castle, shrine, and several festivals. I know one in particular is the "doll festival" which showcases many well-preserved dolls dating back to the edo period! 

There is an incredibly awesome festival (called the Fox Wedding Festival) where a woman and a man are painted as foxes and are married with a traditional Japanese wedding (even if they aren't really getting married). You can find more information here: 

Cherry blossoms next to a traditional Japanese castle (
All that's left now is to find my town, host family, and high school!

Finally, one MAJOR thing I forgot to add is that the prefecture I will be living in is considered to be one of the top 3 most prestigious geisha districts in all of Japan! I'M SO EXCITED!  I wanted to be placed in Kyoto so I could see geishas. I first learned about Japan when I was 5 years old and my teacher gave the class a coloring picture of a geisha. Since then, I've been learning about them and their role in Japanese society.

A lot of students were disappointed when they found out they weren't being placed in big cities, and instead little towns, but I'm actually really excited and happy. It's different, in a good way, and I feel like I'll be more in Japan rather than just a tourist visiting. You will be able to learn about a new town that not many people have heard of, or would have thought of visiting. Honestly, if I was offered a different district or city (even if it was Tokyo or Kyoto) I would still stay with Niigata <3


  1. Thanks for your commenting:) I'm very happy!!
    Will you come to Niigata Prefectere??
    You are right!! Niigata Prefecture is famous for rice! I hear, the rice eaten there is very delicious^^
    I live in Osaka! Osaka is faraway from Niigata Prefecture X(

    Incidentally,What shall I call you? Vikka or Vikka-chan:)??

  2. Hello(^^)
    I call you Vikka-chan;D OK?
    You can call me anyway you like,too^^

    August...You will in Japan! I can't wait. I wanna hear your comment about your stay in Japan!
    Oh,you like Japanese food? Have you ever eaten Sushi?
    I love sushi the best among all Japanese food(*゚▽゚*)

    Yes,every Japanese school have English lesson. But I also study English myself!
    You study Japanese only yourself?? I support your study!

    You are very welcome always to visit Osaka^^
    I'm not sure about Niigata(>_<) But I think there start snowing from around Decenber!

    ...I'm sorry if my English wrong X(

  3. かわいい is my favorite word^^ Your name;Vikka is かわいい too!
    Is my new background is adorable? Thank you! I love purple and pink!!

    Don't worry. Surely your host family is very kind.
    Causing inconvenience is bad. But take it easy!! I hope you can know a lot of Japanese things.;)

    Mexican make sushi!? That's interesting!!XD
    Conversely, I'd like to eat them! I wanna go "Shogun(将軍)"!!XD haha

    I can writing English while stop to think and look up a word in a dictionary,but I can't speak English suddenly.
    I wish we both are going well.:D
    I become acquainted with you,thereby I have learning something!!

    I wanna do something for you too~;D

  4. Niigata is beautiful.
    To be honest, I kind of figured out where I was going way earlier than I was told (Long story, lol) and I wasn't to happy with it at first. . . You know, I had always imagined somewhere bigger. But, Now, I wouldn't give it up for the world. I love Aomori now. It's great that you are happy with a smaller place. I'm sure we'll have the best time in those smaller places.

    We'll definitely get a different experience than others.

    1. When I first was interested in exchange (about 2-3 years ago) I ONLY wanted to live in a Japanese city, preferably Tokyo. I think the main reason was because the first blog I watched was KatRandom's, and she was in Tokyo.
      I think a smaller place is ideal. You can really become more "in-touch" with the people (like in smaller schools, the students know everyone and are all friends). All the tourists visit Tokyo and other big cities, so I feel like we'll be more "in Japan" ^^

      I'm sure we'll both have a blast!
